Tuesday 11 March 2014

I shan't beat about the bush here.

Somebody thinks that Ovid Eastmond is a cheat.

Ovid Eastmond censored Google.

These two facts might be related; they may not. We don't know.

This man works with the young people of Oldham, yet there is something he has used a "Cease and Desist" notice to suppress. He has presumably paid a lawyer to send Google a notice to prevent something from appearing when his name is searched for.

I wonder why this is? It is already abundantly clear that somebody out there thinks that Ovid Eastmond is a cheat and cheats on women.

What, then, has been censored? What motivation would this man have for paying Google to censor search results?

The point of censorship is that we Simply. Don't. Know. Only Ovid Eastmond knows what he is hiding and why.