Thursday 31 October 2013

For some reason Google are now consistently removing 2 results from a search for Ovid Eastmond as this screen capture shows:

I wonder if he has something else to hide other than the oft quoted opinion that Ovid Eastmond is a cheater?

A search on still brings up one of the censored links. 

This is all worrying for a man in constant close contact with young people. What is he hiding?

Friday 4 October 2013

Ovid Eastmond and the Barbara Streisand Effect

Goodness knows precisely what Ovid Eastmond censored Google for. I doubt it is because somebody has posted a story that Ovid Eastmond is a cheater as there are quite a few of those and Google has not censored that information.

However, a Google search for Mr Eastmond might be a good example of the Barbara Streisand Effect.

In a nutshell, Ms Streisand saw a picture of her house on the internet. She decided that this simply would not do and got a lawyer onto the job.

This caused a massive amount of interest in said picture and lots of people saw it.

Before the court action, only a few people knew about her house. After, The Internet knew about it.

Similarly, a search for Ovid Eastmond (it does not have to be specific, say, "Ovid Eastmond cheater") now brings up many links about Mr Eastmond and his rather colourful private life.

Of course, all of this is very interesting, but it does not answer precisely what it is that Ovid Eastmond has censored Google for. 

The danger with this sort of censorship is that it has occurred in secret. 

Mr Eastmond works with the young people of Oldham. Just what is it that he felt necessary to instruct a lawyer to force Google to censor?