Monday 3 November 2014

Ovid Eastmond lying or making a movie?

Somebody involved with Mr Eastmond's work alerted me to the fact that one of his cease and desist orders to Google has finally become available. It is unclear if this is the only one, but perhaps we are closer to the truth of his censorship.

Interestingly, he seems to be making a movie, as otherwise he would have lied in a legal submission to Google and I am sure that, although somebody thinks that Ovid Eastmond is a cheat, he does not also lie to achieve the results he wants.

I also heard from a friend of an acquaintance's work colleague that he hasn't ever taken any form of legal action against the "post owner" beyond getting his then girlfriend to make a hysterical phone call to the wrong woman at a place which somebody he used to know quite intimately works...

But I am sure the above rumours are as untrue as the truth of his movie making exploits.

The notice in question is available here .

Just in case he takes further "legal action" and asks for that to be removed too, here is a text copy of it:

Re: Infringement Notification via Websearch Complaint


Thursday 10 July 2014

New European Ruling on Privacy

Somebody out there thinks that Ovid Eastmond is a cheat.

Ovid Eastmond has used a (presumably paid) lawyer to ask Google to censor its search results already - what has been censored is unclear and could be *anything*.

It will be interesting to see if Ovid Eastmond now uses the new European Ruling on Privacy to further censor this blog - something that would be easy to do for him and would not cost anything.

It is notable that search results for Ovid Eastmond now include the line "Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe. Learn more" and so I wonder if further results have been removed. Perhaps there are several things Ovid does not want us to know about?

Tuesday 11 March 2014

I shan't beat about the bush here.

Somebody thinks that Ovid Eastmond is a cheat.

Ovid Eastmond censored Google.

These two facts might be related; they may not. We don't know.

This man works with the young people of Oldham, yet there is something he has used a "Cease and Desist" notice to suppress. He has presumably paid a lawyer to send Google a notice to prevent something from appearing when his name is searched for.

I wonder why this is? It is already abundantly clear that somebody out there thinks that Ovid Eastmond is a cheat and cheats on women.

What, then, has been censored? What motivation would this man have for paying Google to censor search results?

The point of censorship is that we Simply. Don't. Know. Only Ovid Eastmond knows what he is hiding and why.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Still 2 links censored by Google

There are still 2 links being censored by Google. A search via Google brings the same result at the bottom of the first page:

"In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 2 result(s) from this page. If you wish, you may read more about the request at"

The cease and desist order is still not available.

The "Badboy reports" returned briefly, then dissapeared. What is worrying about all of this is that we do not know what information that Ovid Eastmond is censoring.

It seems that one link is still from the "Cheaterville" site - but the other link is not clear at all.

It is very worrying that a person in a privileged position that works with the young people of Oldham is censoring the results of a Google search about him.

Friday 20 December 2013

An interesting nugget of information passed by my desk today: Ovid Eastmond cheated on his girlfriend with a married woman - that much seems to be clear from the information already posted elsewhere on the internet. 

It turns out that this woman worked in Rochdale at the time.

Ovid Eastmond censored Google and it is unclear as to why.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Quite suddenly, the mysterious "badboy reports" have disappeared from the Google search results. 

As far as could be seen, these reports simply repeated one of the links that Ovid Eastmond censored Google to remove - although we don't know what Ovid Eastmond censored from Google - or why.

The below screenshot is from a link that might be censored so the person that does these things for me blurred some words out although I am not sure what they were:

This would appear to be what was detailed on the "badboy report" but I don't know for sure.

Ovid Eastmond would appear to have cheated on somebody with somebody else - although who really knows for sure?

The fact we can establish is that somebody thinks that Ovid Eastmond is a cheat and that Ovid Eastmond censored Google.

Who knows why and who knows what Ovid Eastmond is hiding?

Thursday 31 October 2013

For some reason Google are now consistently removing 2 results from a search for Ovid Eastmond as this screen capture shows:

I wonder if he has something else to hide other than the oft quoted opinion that Ovid Eastmond is a cheater?

A search on still brings up one of the censored links. 

This is all worrying for a man in constant close contact with young people. What is he hiding?